
How To Remove Paint From Slate

Nosotros have moved into a new-to-usa house and the previous owners had painted over the original multi-colored slate foyer with a muddy brownish colour… I'g not thrilled with the natural multicolored floor either, just the overpainted brown is more hideous than it looks in the photograph. How do I become the paint off? (The guy who refinished our hardwood floors looked at it and said, "No clue. Practiced Luck." Sigh.) Assistance!

q how to remove paint from slate flooring, flooring, how to, painting, Painted slate floor

Painted slate floor.

q how to remove paint from slate flooring, flooring, how to, painting, Original floor underneath paint

Original floor underneath paint.

  • I would simply paint information technology a color you like amend, so use a coordinating color in the grout lines (record off the slate and then it isn't messy looking). Then I would put some sealer on it.

  • Go hither and get some stuff called Soy Gel remover. You tin can utilize it over and over again. Information technology doesn't take toxic scent and works our cheaper than other stuff. Read on Johnnie hints almost it.

  • Somebody assist me hither..I am nigh to stumble, that place is a tool that I believe is called a "Paint Stripper Oestrus Gun"..looks similar a accident dryer, that yous tin use to heat the paint every bit yous scrape it off. I know what the tool looks like, but am non certain if that is what information technology is called. You can rent them at Home Depot and try that. If all else fails, and so I would paint the flooring to look like marble and seal it.

  • Thank you all for your good suggestions!

  • Mike Mike on Oct 17, 2022

    There are non-toxic paint strippers (citrus paint stripper) that I take had great success with for removing paint from brick, block and rock. Test it in a small camouflaged area to see if information technology works and remember to where gloves and ventilate well. Afterwards pigment is removed launder well and neutralize the surface with clean cold water and then seal with proper rock or slat sealer

  • Did you effort rubbing booze? Rubbing alcohol softens the paint so you could probably just use your fingernail or even a widget and scrape it right off!

  • Miss Hope--I spoke to my blood brother, who is a dwelling house builder and inspector, hither, in Texas. He said if the flooring that was painted over is real slate, there is no style to get it off. He said slate is besides porous, and has absorbed the paint. You lot will have to either live with it, or, pigment over it, again. And so lamentable. However, I am an optimist!! Endeavor 1/2 cup material softener to 1 gallon very warm h2o. Soak towels in it and put them on the floor. Leave the towels for 10-xv minutes, and when yous take upward the towel, make clean the area with magic eraser from Dollar Tree. PLEASE, permit me know if yous try this, and, if yous do, if information technology works.

  • Cheers again, anybody. Cracking suggestions. I take a lot on my plate right at present, so probably won't be doing anything for a while, but I will post back with what I did and how information technology worked when I'grand done.

How To Remove Paint From Slate,


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