
How To Remove A Dead Aspen Tree

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Aspens are bonny, fine-leaved deciduous trees, constitute in forests and the domicile landscape. Aspen trees propagate from seed, but primarily from suckers which they send up at an alarming rate. Removing an aspen tree is not as simple equally cutting it downward because the trunk will go on to sprout. In that location are two choices for permanent removal: herbicide or tree girdling. Herbicide is applied to the stump upon tree removal, and girdling is done a twelvemonth earlier tree removal. The goal of each is to go along the root system from living and creating babe aspens.

Chemical Removal

Paint on undiluted glyphosate non-selective herbicide directly to the cutting surface of the stump. This should be done as soon as possible afterward the tree has been cut and then the cut has non had fourth dimension to seal. The glyphosate will enter the phloem and cambium and travel to the roots to kill them.

Drill holes into the stump approximately 8 to ten inches deep. The number of holes will vary by the size of the stump but there should be at least 12 to 15 holes. Fill the holes with nitrogen fertilizer. Go on the tree moist for the next few weeks every bit the high nitrogen causes a wood decaying fungus to grow. The mucus volition somewhen destroy the tree.

  • Paint on undiluted glyphosate non-selective herbicide directly to the cut surface of the stump.

Look for the stump to disintegrate. This will have four to six weeks depending on the size of the stump. You tin plant in the location every bit soon as the bawl and wood has rotted abroad. If yous can't look, pull out the stump with a truck and a chain.

Non-Chemic Removal

Use the bark blade to shave off the bark all around the torso at least 6 inches wide. This should be done in May or June when the sap is running. This makes the bawl easier to remove.

  • Expect for the stump to disintegrate.
  • Use the bawl blade to shave off the bawl all around the trunk at to the lowest degree six inches wide.

Use the girdling saw to shave off a layer of cambium and phloem. This interrupts the transmission of sugars in the tree. Do non cut deeply or the xylem volition be afflicted, which signals the tree that it needs to send out more suckers in defense. Every tree in the surface area needs to exist girdled, as they are all probably grown suckers or clones of a central parent tree. It is not sufficient just to girdle the parent tree.

Wait a year for the tree to show signs of ill health. The girdling procedure is slow as the tree has other food storage. Once it uses up its stores information technology volition brainstorm to decline, because it is not getting extra nutrition from the soil. Afterwards a year the tree can be cut downwards with a chain saw and the stump removed with stump enzymes or the chain/truck method.

  • Use the girdling saw to shave off a layer of cambium and phloem.
  • Every tree in the area needs to be girdled, as they are all probably grown suckers or clones of a central parent tree.


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