
How To Remove Kerosene Smell From Clothes Without Washing

Denise is a psychiatric nurse. She is passionate about writing, photography, travel, cooking, holistic health, adventure, and family.

Fresh-Smelling Clothes Without Washing

Fresh-Smelling Apparel Without Washing

How to Have Smell Out of Clothes Without Washing

When my daughters were growing upward, at that place came a time when I returned to work full time. Later that, it was everyone for themselves when information technology came to laundry. I was yet responsible for the household laundry, such as linens, but my girls had to learn early how to do their own laundry.

As a result, there were a few times when the problem of clean laundry arose, mornings when information technology was fourth dimension for schoolhouse, just there were no make clean wearing apparel to wear. Those mornings became lessons in planning ahead.

My daughters had to learn how to improvise. It is astonishing how clever we tin become when we have to. There isn't always time to leap into the car, drive to the closest department shop, and buy a new outfit. (Sadly, my husband actually did this a few times when his laundry basket was overflowing.)

Items to Have on Hand for Laundry Emergencies

Items to Have on Hand for Laundry Emergencies

Laundry Basics: Program Ahead

It may seem ironic that the best way to plan ahead is to stock up on emergency household supplies. People who are organized enough to think ahead and buy the necessary items aren't usually caught in that dilemma.

Yet, permit's assume that you are organized and also want to plan alee for those "crunch" moments. Here is a list of items to go on on mitt. (The best part of this list is the items they are common, and you probably have them already.)

Production Purpose Yous Will Likewise Need

Dryer sheets

Freshen odorous clothes

Wearing apparel dryer

Air freshner

Masks odors

White distilled vinegar

PH neutralizes odors

Spray bottle

Lemon juice

Neutralizes odors, refreshes clothes

Spray bottle

Baking soda

Neutralizes odors

Bowl, spoon and stiff brush

Perfume or babe pulverization

Masks odors


Neutralizes odors

Spray bottle

Clothes line

Killing germs on muddy vesture

A great trick: Make dirty clothes smell good by spinning them in the dryer with a dryer sheet for a few minutes.

A swell trick: Make dirty apparel smell good by spinning them in the dryer with a dryer canvass for a few minutes.

The Dryer-Sheet Method

If y'all don't take time to wash an item yous are about to wearable, and information technology doesn't smell fresh, 1 easy play a trick on is to use a dryer sheet. No matter what the dryer sheet brand or fragrance, it is bound to smell improve than the unwashed clothing you want to clothing. The important thing is to go the clothes mixed up with the fabric sheet.

If y'all have a dryer, throw the item you want to clothing in and let it tumble with three or four dryer sheets. Y'all may end up smelling similar "spring flowers" or "mountain air," your garment volition be contraction-free, and y'all won't offend anyone with dirty laundry odour!

If you tin can programme ahead (Of course not! You wouldn't be in this predicament in the get-go place if you could!), buy "linen-scented" dryer sheets and go on a box effectually for these emergencies.

Air Freshener to Make Clothes Smell Freshly Laundered

Air fresheners similar Febreze don't help rid your dirty wearing apparel of odor, but they practise mask it. This is alright equally a temporary fix, especially if you are going to an outdoor effect.

This method is simple: Only spray the air freshener over the vesture, both forepart, and back. Let it air out for at least x minutes before putting the garment on.

Vinegar is good at removing odors.

Vinegar is good at removing odors.

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Using Vinegar to Remove Odors

Vinegar has a low (acidic) pH level, which actually removes odors in clothing. The proportions are 1:1, vinegar to water. Note: Do non use dark vinegar (red vino or balsamic).

Starting time by turning the garment within out. Next, mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray canteen. Before you spray the entire detail, test the vinegar solution on an inconspicuous area, such every bit a lower seam that is hidden from view. Eject a small amount on the fabric. If the colour does non run or modify advent, it is safe to use throughout the unabridged slice.

Spritz the vinegar onto the wearable without worrying that y'all will smell like the vinegar; the vinegar olfactory property volition dissipate as information technology dries. Adjacent, hang the clothing upwardly to dry out and air out, preferably outdoors. An open window, bathroom shower, or a spacious closet will also work.

Nature as an Olfactory property Repellant

Take your trouble outdoors and hang unwashed clothing in the air and dominicus. Sometimes this is the simplest solution in that location is.

Body sweat produces bacteria. When yous don't have fourth dimension to launder a shirt, turn it inside out, hang it up, and leave it in the wind on a sunny twenty-four hours. Sunlight can impale bacteria that cause odors. If this isn't possible, taking a shirt out of the closet to air can also reduce the problem.

The Blistering-Soda Solution

The baking soda technique is easy. Simply mix baking soda and water into a nice paste and apply to the smelliest areas of your article of clothing. Turn the item within out and work the paste into the area. Then allow it to dry thoroughly.

Once the area has dried, have a potent brush and vigorously brush away whatsoever white residue. Your clothing will take a nice, fresh smell.

Some other method is to forego the paste and place the vesture into a plastic garbage bag. Add together a half loving cup of baking soda to the handbag and close information technology up. Vigorously shake the two together. Leave the bag undisturbed for about x minutes and so remove the item and shake off the blistering soda.

Removing Odors With Vodka

Utilise vodka—just non to drink! Spritzed onto habiliment, vodka is supposed to remove odors. Although I take not used this technique, I have researched information technology a flake. At that place is no need to dilute. Just add together vodka to a spray canteen and spritz abroad. Once all odorous areas are covered, hang upwards the clothing to air out.

When the shirt or other item is dry, there volition exist no vodka smell present.

Lemon Juice to Neutralize Smell

Lemon Juice to Neutralize Smell

Lemon Juice to Neutralize Odour

Lemon juice seems to be the respond to so many problems. Brand a solution of one tablespoon of lemon juice to one cup of water. Place in a spray canteen and mist the shirt or garment all over. If this is non possible, then hang it up in an area that has skilful air circulation. Once dry, your clothes volition accept a fresh odor.

One precaution: Test the lemon juice on an inconspicuous part of vesture. Lemon juice can discolor certain fabrics.

My Story: Removing Odors With Perfume

I had my first success freshening up a smelly habiliment particular when I was just ten years sometime. My sister was eight, and our grandmother Nonie was taking care of us. It was picture day at school, and nosotros came habitation for lunch and to change into our dresses.

Nonie greeted united states with freshly laundered slips to vesture under our dresses. Ladies, do you retrieve those one-piece cotton slips? I felt so grown-upwards when I was immune to switch to a silky one-half-sideslip equally a teen.

Afterward lunch, my sis and I went into the bedroom we shared to modify into our Sunday all-time. Poor Nonie. She was a poorly educated woman from a rural boondocks in Montana, and she didn't know what to do with a stubborn granddaughter similar me.

"Ugh! This smells like fish!" An atrocious smell reeked from the cotton slips.

"What are y'all talking about?" Nonie asked. "It does not."

"Yes, it does. Danette, smell your slip. Doesn't information technology smell similar fish?" I asked my sis.

My sister, also being younger than I, was also much more passive. She innocently complied with my urging and looked at usa wide-eyed.

"I don't remember so," she ventured.

"Information technology does and then," I insisted. "Y'all can wear yours like that if you desire, only I'1000 non going to get back to school smelling like a stinky old fish!"

My grandmother was beside herself nearly what to exercise with me or near the state of affairs. It wasn't that I didn't want to wear a slip under my dress, which was non-negotiable, it was but that I was not going to be humiliated by classmates who might think I smelled like a fish market.

"Denise," my grandmother began to say. "Just wear the skid. In that location's goose egg you can do about it at present."

I looked around the room and knew we would exist belatedly for schoolhouse if nosotros waited much longer. My eyes fell on the perfume bottles on our dresser. I grabbed them all and began spraying perfume and baby powder on both of our slips. My sister didn't take a run a risk to protest.

"There, that smells much ameliorate," I exclaimed.

My grandmother just stood in the doorway, shaking her caput as Danette and I walked back to school. We no longer had to worry well-nigh smelling like fish. We returned to school smelling, as my grandmother said, "like a French whorehouse."

This content is authentic and true to the all-time of the author's cognition and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized communication from a qualified professional person.

© 2022 Denise Handlon

Dale Anderson from The High Seas on August twenty, 2022:

That's the 2nd best united states of america for vodka that I tin remember of.

Caroline unwin on June 27, 2022:

Can you utilize brown vinegar

Erin Horan on May 23, 2022:

Y'all could take skipped all the unnessessary parts out? Like who cares about your grandma and your sister or what led upwards to y'all using these methods

Thomas joseph on Apr 12, 2022:

During wintertime I have been known to wear the same sweat shirt for weeks without washing by turning information technology within later on walks and putting it on a manger and spraying information technology with rubbing aohol. I tin't speak for other people's reactions because no one has ever said anything. But I would odor information technology daily up close and personal while putting it on and never noticed anything offensive. I employ a laundromat so everyday washing of heavy clothing is a major hassle. Of your choices I like the simplest - the vinegar and lemon solutions.

Priya on October 27, 2022:

I got this leather bag with fabric lining. It smelled like puke and I sprayed old perfume on it. Simply that perfume smells much sick and m unable to tolerate information technology. It gives me headache. How am I gonna pack wearing apparel in it? I tried lemon juice spray, but hasnt worked

Jennifer Fredrick on October 11, 2022:

I picked up a pair of beautiful Ann Taylor black trousers from a 2nd hand store and they were just perfect. I had to go to a funeral today and put them on, only to notice that they were sour smelling.

Nancy Taylor on September 26, 2022:

I purchased a cashmere coat at an estate sale. It smells strongly of moth balls. I have hung it outside for several days and it got damp when it started to sprinkle. I rushed information technology in and found that the humidity made the smell worse. Any thoughts?

Roiikka Ta on May 31, 2022:

Thank you for this. Especially helpful to those who travel and are active! Any types of herbal sprays that can exist concocted into a spray canteen? Mint, possibly ?

Grayhog on July xxx, 2022:

Been around some "Frebreeze" tour bus stinkers in the past. Delight stop promoting this vile practice.

GreenLover on January 31, 2022:

I like to take a damp made-for-the-dryer cloth and put Febreeze or essential oil on it and toss it in the dryer for 3 to 10 minutes (depending on the item). Information technology removes some wrinkles and makes the clothing look amazing, too.

unicorn on Oct eleven, 2022:

I love the perfume and powder way! Definetly doing this one!

kayden on February 09, 2022:

i think that nosotros should have ideas like i we were out doing somthing

debnose on October 31, 2022:

Anything mentioned here is ameliorate than them nasty harsh smelling dryer sheets and febreeze. Start impression I get when I smell someone overloaded with these synthetic fragrances is that they've skipped a washing! Ew! Then, I'll have the nature's sunshine and fresh air, vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice AND vodka (I don't need to methods to tackle the mildew on all my stored vesture in an extremely humid environment. Thank you a bundle for the useful information.

Frances a on October 21, 2022:

Doesn't all this have longer than only washing the item?

Sarah on July 27, 2022:

So there are some applied reasons you might need this aside from straight up laziness. My girl has softball practice five days a week and was given 1 practice shirt (that she HAS to wear to exercise). I looked upward this article to find out how she'll be able to stay "fresh" without having to wash one wearable item every single day. I would find that loftier impractical. If some vinegar spray will aid it terminal ii-three days so information technology's but 2 washes a week, I'chiliad all for it!

Al from Australia, Hong Kong, Usa on March 25, 2022:

Great Hub, thanks for sharing.

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on January eighteen, 2022:

Mimi, thanks for your feedback! That's amazing. You are a testimony of remedies that really work!

Mimi214 on November 22, 2022:

I have used the vodka method on a dry out clean-only jacket to remove potent perspiration odors that dry cleaning did non leave. It was during a period in which I was trying to use deodorant instead of antiperspirant, which unfortunately did non work for me--at least not with that brand. Anyway, I hanged the garment inside out on the shower rack and sprayed undiluted vodka at the armpits into the lining until information technology saturated the lining and fabric and allowed it to dry out in forepart of the fan. I kept repeating spray-dry, spray-dry, until all odors had prodigal. Textile looked perfect, and the result was permanent--no odors sneaking dorsum.

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on Nov xv, 2022:

Thanks for your input, Namrata. :)

Namrata on Oct 24, 2022:

the vinegar spray and drying in the lord's day worked for me

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on Apr 06, 2022:

Hi Kathy-thank you for your comments. I'yard glad you enjoyed that story.

Hi CrisSp-I love hanging clothes out on the line in the sunshine-it'due south the all-time! Thanks for all of the shares and UP :)

CrisSp from Sky Is The Limit Take a chance on March 19, 2022:

The "lemonized h2o" works well for us FA's and of course zilch beats natural air and some sunshine. :)

Great hub with lots of useful tips. Up +++and sharing.

Kathy on February 24, 2022:

I liked the part well-nigh your babyhood with grandma, I would read more of those stories!

Denise Handlon (author) from Due north Carolina on October thirteen, 2022:

Hi Shyron - thank you for reading and commenting. I tin imagine that lemon could discolor habiliment...had non considered that. Thanks.

Shyron E Shenko from Texas on October xiii, 2022:

Swell information, and I have actually used many of these items. Perchance you could add another question when you lot update. Q. Have y'all used more than than i of these items to become rid of odors.

Lemon volition accept the colour out of some materials. Dryer sheets are great.

Voted-up UAI.

Thank you very much for the following.

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on October 13, 2022:

Howdy, mr-veg Thanks for your charming email. I enjoyed reading information technology this morning time. :) I'chiliad glad you liked my suggestion here, lol

mr-veg from Colorado United states on October 09, 2022:

That'southward a great idea :) My trivial angel is growing as fast as she can, so adorable she is :)

Denise Handlon (writer) from North Carolina on October 08, 2022:

Ha ha, mr-veg these are handy little tips, aren't they. And then-here is what you practice, hang the laundry out in the sunshine and breeze and sit back to scout it make clean itself while sipping vodka! lol BTW-how is your piffling cherub doing? Cheers for reading. :)

mr-veg from Colorado Usa on Oct 08, 2022:

wow I never knew y'all can piece of work wonders in such easy way :) Denise y'all are a magician I retrieve :D ... At present you are gonna make a lazy person more lazy :) Btw I like the Nature upshot better :) And who could think about Vodka :) Great i Magic Lady !!

Denise Handlon (writer) from North Carolina on Baronial 08, 2022:

Thanks for your comments, Kathryn. I was but thinking of this discipline today, because my nephew is packing up to go to college. I'1000 wondering if he'll remember what he'due south been taught! lol

Kathryn from Windsor, Connecticut on Baronial 05, 2022:

This is a dandy article, and I like your personal spin to information technology. I have been in those times when I demand something, and it is a little smelly. So this could come in very handy in a compression!

Voted upwardly and sharing, and bookmarking for my own use.

Thanks for sharing this with us, and have a wonderful day!

~ Kathryn

Denise Handlon (writer) from North Carolina on August 04, 2022:

Hello Au fait-I had to chuckle about your comment. I selected this championship from the 'sectional' list months ago so ended up discovering the tips from inquiry. I appreciate your votes and pin. BTW, I read your reference to your perfume allergy. I've also written a hub (some other exclusive championship), nearly what to practice when driving in a motorcar with someone who's used besides much perfume. Hope you lot get a risk to read it.

C Due east Clark from North Texas on August 03, 2022:

What an interesting article! I guess my preference would be white vinegar since I already utilise information technology as a fabric softener and then I usually have plenty of it around. Information technology also disinfects every bit it softens. I would never have thought of any of these solutions.

I'm allergic to most perfumes and dryer sheets, and so that wouldn't work well for me. Bad enough when I get around someone who doused themselves generously with information technology.

Voted up and UI. Going to pin this to my 'Household Hints & Tips' board. Also sharing.

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on July 21, 2022:

Thanks...actually, as I was writing my response I thought it might brand a expert hub...:)

Victoria Lynn from Arkansas, United states on July 21, 2022:

That'southward bang-up about the booklet for your nephew, Denise!

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on July 21, 2022:

Hi Vicky-oh...I have to laugh virtually this hub...I stuck a reminder of this in my nephew's 'things to call up' booklet I'chiliad making for him. Cheers for the stop by. :)

Victoria Lynn from Arkansas, Usa on July 21, 2022:

I read this again! I still practise the dryer sheets and air freshener, too, in a pinch! Bully hub!

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on June 25, 2022:

Hello Rafaela Lima-Give thanks you for leaving a comment. :)

Hello Stessily-all I continue thinking of is my nephew and his laundry in college, lol. I promise he remembers some of the tips I've taught him (except the vodka ane, ha ha-I don't want him having admission to that just still). Thanks for your encouraging comments. :)

stessily on June 25, 2022:

Denise, This information is and so helpful, so practical, and so necessary to know! I knew near some of these options, such every bit dryer sheets (my favorite), vinegar, blistering soda, etc., and not about others, such every bit vodka spritz. Not but have yous provided useful data, but you've presented it in a wonderfully straightforward way so that information technology is hands accessible for those who find themselves in the situation of refreshing "dingy" clothes so they sniff adept.

Appreciatively, Stessily

Rafaela Lima from United states on May 17, 2022:

Those are great Ideas.. Merely I call back I will still doing in the comm way. hahaha.

Thanks a lot for the Hub. It is very nice!

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on March 25, 2022:

Hi EZ Swim-I'm glad you establish the hub useful. I learned a lot as well. Every bit for the perfect way to refresh the wool sweater-I'm not sure. If information technology were mine I would probably hang it outdoors in the lord's day and air. I call up you are onto something re: washing when 'refresh' tin do. Of class, we aren't talking underwear here, are we? :)

Hi aykianink, thanks for your comments. I completely chronicle to the blackness shirt problem. I'm not exactly sure if they wrinkled on you, (shrunk), or faded. I've had both happen to me at various times. Thank goodness at that place weren't whatever aboveboard cameras on me at the end of the wash cycle, lol

aykianink on March 23, 2022:

EZ Swim,

"I remember we "wash" besides frequently when we could only choose to "refresh"."

That's actually very interesting. I recently bought ii really nice long-sleeve black shirts. Put in the wash...and substantially threw them abroad. Came out looking like I washed 'em a thousand times before. (I dread the thought of having to dry clean all my dainty shirts...)

Kelly A Burnett from Southern Wisconsin on March 23, 2022:


I was wondering about the options when I purchased a $iv wool sweater. Information technology is bright Kelly green which is not my color just during the St. Pat'due south season, this sweater I felt was needed. I dutifully put in the dryer but was wondering what my other options were.

I learned allot. The lemon juice surprises me - would it work on silk?

I recall we "wash" as well often when we could simply cull to "refresh".

First-class research. Voted up!

Denise Handlon (author) from N Carolina on February 11, 2022:

Hi Gypsy48-thanks for your input on these 'freshener' ideas. Lots of luck to y'all if y'all ever find a need to use them. Thanks for the votes.

Gypsy48 on February 11, 2022:

Informative hub with useful ideas. Dyrer sheets are favorite of mine to apply. I like the baking soda tip and volition give it a try. Voted up and useful.

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on February 10, 2022:

Thanks, Nell-glad you enjoyed and saw some practical apply for the suggestions left here. :) Thanks for the vote and share.

Nell Rose from England on February 10, 2022:

You are a genius! lol! these ideas are neat, and fifty-fifty though near of my stuff goes in the wash most days a week it would be great for coats that have got a chip smelly! I always notice that coats have and so long to wash and dry, so this is mentally bookmarked from now on! voted upwards and shared! nell

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on January 23, 2022:

Hi acaetnna-the last time I threw a shirt into the dryer with a dryer sheet earlier wearing information technology I thought of this hub! :) Thanks for reading, A. I had an sectional championship and this is the result!

acaetnna from Guildford on January 21, 2022:

Ha ha what a great hub, super advice. I do use some of your suggestions when fourth dimension is brusk and I really don't accept time to wash and dry the garment!

Denise Handlon (writer) from Northward Carolina on Jan 19, 2022:

Hi Michelle, thanks for sharing this hub. :) I call up the dryer sheets is the solution that most people chose. Cheers.

Michelle Liew from Singapore on January xix, 2022:

I like the lemon juice thought, Denise! I would give it a endeavor. Personally, I've tried Febreeze and agree that it is simply a temporary solution. Thanks for sharing these tips, which I laissez passer on.

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on Jan 06, 2022:

Hi Susan-thanks for your comments. I only shut the door to my nephews room when I walk past-most of his clothes are on the floor and then he wears them! Like y'all, I don't like to overdo laundry. This hub was a great way to investigate alternative methods and the dryer sheets is the 1 that works for united states in a compression-including for J. Thanks for the votes and share.

Hi collegedad-thanks for sharing that, ha ha.

Hi aykianink, I haven't either, lol Trust me, I'll exist keeping my heart out for something similar, ha ha.

aykianink on Jan 05, 2022:

Never heard of "animal scent formula febreeze" earlier. Does sound like information technology would piece of work wonders. Volition have to look into it.

collegedad from The Upper Peninsula on January 05, 2022:

I use animal odour formula febreeze on my odiferous wearable. Works wonders.

Susan Kingdom of the netherlands from Southwest Missouri on January 05, 2022:

Denise, I love this hub! My girl tries something on then throws information technology on the floor. When I stopped doing her laundry, she started hanging her dress up. In that location are many people who will not wear something twice. NOT ME! I detest laundry... I employ the dryer sail method a lot. I accept used Febreeze on apparel that smelled smokey after visiting a smokey relative's dwelling house. Really, a combination of Febreese, fresh air, then the dryer sheet.

The indicate is that we don't have to do laundry all the time like our mothers did. I am sure my girl volition feel differently near wearing something more than than once when she moves out. LOL

Votes and shared!! :-)

Denise Handlon (writer) from North Carolina on Dec 24, 2022:

Hullo Leslie-glad to know you are in the majority group this time. I vote for the vodka, myself, lol Merry Christmas and HNYr to you lot, as well. When are yous flight the cold weather coop for the sunshine state?

Hi Cyndi10-I think you are correct nigh the dryall sheets...thank you for your comments.

Hi Victoria-thank you for your comments. I appreciate your input.

Aykianink-ha ha. I didn't realize that until I read Leslie'southward annotate. Thanks for the read. Happy Holidays.

aykianink on December 24, 2022:

Dryer sheets for corpses, eh? Hm...never heard of that i.

Victoria Lynn from Arkansas, USA on December 24, 2022:

I have used the dryer sheets to freshen upward wear. Very interesting hub with all these ideas!

Cynthia B Turner from Georgia on Dec 24, 2022:

No idea at that place were so many means to eliminate the odour on dirty clothes. Frankly, I would have moved on to something else to wear, fifty-fifty though information technology may not have been my beginning choice. But it seems the marketing folk accept taken a page from your book and made those dryall sheets. Now that I retrieve about information technology they audio similar regular fabric softener sheets, don't they?

Fun to read with some good suggestions...I gauge. :-)

Karen Silverman on December 24, 2022:

Finally - i'm 1 of the majority! YeeeHaw! lol..

i absolutely LOVE dryer sheets - they're amazingly flexible!

They're as well fantabulous for covering up the odour of decomposing bodies in vehicles - (ala casey anthony) - AND - they also make for a groovy musquito repellant if y'all rub them on your skin..

On the other hand - the vodka has more than one utilise

Great hub, my friend...All the best this vacation season and always!twenty

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on Dec xv, 2022:

Hi Rose-do you know that y'all are the only person who commented near that little story, ha ha. So, thank yous for 'noticing'. I ditto your thoughts nigh the vodka. Yep, allow's throw a little cranberry juice together with it, just non on the shirt! Thanks for your comments and vote.

Rosemary Sadler from Hawkes Bay - NewZealand on December 14, 2022:

Loved your piffling story, kids tin be so innovative when needed. I can recall of a meliorate employ for the vodka haha. The sunlight is the best way but not always possible. The dryer sheets kills ii birds with ane stone for both freshness and smoothing the creases. Vinigar has a lot of uses and is inexpensive and lets face information technology most young people /students having to rely on themselves don't have a lot of money to spare.

Great hub with useful tips, thumbs up

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on December 12, 2022:

Ha ha, Audrey--my thoughts? That's a waste of practiced vodka, lol. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Howdy Mary-according to my enquiry the vinegar odor disappears when information technology dries. Cool huh? Thanks for your comments and votes. :)

Mary Hyatt from Florida on December 12, 2022:

You know I'1000 a great fan of vinegar for all sorts of purposes. (I wrote a Hub virtually Vinegar), but I wonder if the clothes would smell of vinegar. I'm still waiting for them to come up up with vinegar that doesn't odour similar vinegar!

Great Hub. I voted it Upwards, etc.

Audrey Howitt from California on December 12, 2022:

All useful tips!!! I wonder if I tin can get my husband to spray vodka instead of drink it?

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on December 08, 2022:

Yeah--three thanks for sunlight! As for the French whorehouse, ha ha. It'south all nearly the heavy perfume. Trust me, the stinky fish olfactory property, that apparently merely I could smell, was hidden! (I can't believe that retentiveness stayed with me all these years. I was simply x, just a very ingenious ten, don't you lot think?) Cheers for reading.

aykianink on December 08, 2022:

Say Denise...what EXACTLY does a "a French whorehouse" smell like?:-)

I vote for sunlight. You lot don't get much greener than that.

Denise Handlon (author) from North Carolina on December 08, 2022:

Frank, somehow y'all always manage to make me chuckle, nasty or not. I am not offended in the least-cheers for the confession that yous didn't have to share, :) This was really a challenge for me. I wanted to do an 'exclusive' hub and that was 1 that popped upwardly. Naturally, I had to research it considering, other than my own personal experience with perfume, I had no idea how to do any of it. Doing laundry is one chore I do not have qualms most. I relish having fresh apparel, but tin can certainly relate to those college kids who may non get it done as apace every bit they should. Thank y'all for your comments. Have a wonderful west/e.

Frank Atanacio from Shelton on December 08, 2022:

you lot know Denise when I read your championship I thought to myself.. that is just nasty! only I encounter the logic and it all makes sense.. the hub is sound.. and I take back my nasty remark...nosotros cool?


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